In the model, the shortage cost is assumed as a linear function of the amount of cash on hand and some wrong conclusions are then drawn. 目前国内最常见的一种确定最佳现金持有量的分析模式存在着一个基本错误,即它将短缺成本看成与现金持有量呈线性关系,从而导致了一些错误的结论。
All of the companies attributed the limited demand for CNG vehicles to the shortage of CNG filling stations and the cost and size of the fuel tanks. 这些公司都将压缩天然气汽车需求有限,归因于压缩天然气充气站短缺以及气罐的成本和尺寸。
Numerical simulations show that utilities will select different interruption strategies for customers with different shortage cost characteristics. 算例仿真表明,对于不同停电损失特性的用户,电力公司会选择不同的中断策略。
In the interruptible load management, customers shortage cost could be significantly reduced by early notification. 在可中断负荷管理中,提前通知用户中断供电可有效减少用户停电损失。
Other smaller miners are also facing project delays and cancellations for reasons ranging from a shortage of skilled labour to the cost of building infrastructure around the new mines. 其它规模较小的矿商也面临项目推迟乃至取消的问题,原因各式各样,从熟练工短缺到新矿周围基础设施的建设成本。
Research on the inventory routing problem of manufacturing-distribution systems with shortage cost 生产-分销物流系统中考虑缺货成本时的存贮路径问题研究
The mean total inventory cost s cover order cost, inventory cost and shortage cost. 库存系统的平均总费用包括订货费用、存贮费用和缺货费用。
An illumination to conclude that the shortage of project cost mainly resulted from the underestimation of construction materials and measures taken to properly rectify the deviation so that actual project expenditure could be approximately budgeted. 阐述工程造价的材料价差是引起工程造价超差的主要原因,并提出处理材料价差的办法和建议,以求工程的概预算造价尽量贴近实际造价。
Most of the EOQ models cover ordering cost, holding cost and shortage cost, with an invariable demand and price is steady. 大多数EOQ模型所考虑的费用包括订货费用、库存维持费用和缺货费用,且库存的需求量是恒定的,单价与订货数量无关。
Base on classical newsboy model, this paper main talk about following questions. The first, introduce newsboy model with goods cost constraints, research on newsboy model with shortage cost constraints and promote cost constraints and get optimum solutions of the models. 本文在介绍经典报童模型的基础上,主要做了以下几个方面的工作:(1)介绍了考虑进货成本约束的报童模型,研究了考虑缺货费用和促销费用约束的报童模型。
We analyze the value from three aspects: ordering strategy, average inventory and expected cost ( including inventory holding and shortage cost). 二是平均库存;三是期望费用(包括库存持有费用和缺货损失费用)。
In the meantime, solutions are given regarding quota-establishment of customer managers 'performance, division of large customers' performance among staff concerned, distributions based on potential performance assessment and inability to pay customer managers due to resource shortage to cover labor cost. 同时,就客户经理绩效目标的确立、大型客户的绩效在有关人员之间的分割、潜在绩效的考核分配、人力费用资源紧缺矛盾制约客户经理报酬兑现等问题提出了解决方略。
Based on the simulating model of machine component wear and probability theory, the TPIM optimizes both anticipated holding cost and shortage cost, while making the right decision of purchasing date and quantity of spare parts. 该模型是建立在模拟出机器零件磨损情况的基础上,利用概率统计的知识,通过对备件预期储备费用和缺货损失进行分析确定出备件采购日期和采购数量。
The great latent earnings cancel out partly the shortage of the payment of apparent cost besides the payment of latent cost. 而巨大的隐性收益(非经济收益)的获得,在支付隐性成本(机会成本)之余,也抵偿了部分显性成本支付上的不足。
Fact proof is administrative to claim because of the shortage of judicial resource, cost high can not solve more and more administrative disputes well. 事实证明,行政诉讼因司法资源的短缺、成本的高昂而无法很好地解决越来越多的行政纠纷。
If down-stream enterprises consider common procurement and urgent purchase, shortage cost will be decreased. 供应链库存控制策略制定时,下游厂商考虑到正常订货与紧急订货,可以减少缺货损失,降低成本。
Our commercial banks are impaired by inadequate attention to cost management accounting, weak information system base, lack of cost data, shortage of high-caliber cost management accountants and difficulty in pricing internal capital transfer and achieving a balance between appropriateness and effectiveness of performance assessment. 我国商业银行对成本管理会计不够重视,信息系统基础薄弱,成本资料欠缺,高素质的成本管理会计人才稀缺,内部资金的转移价格难以确定,业绩评价体系的合理性与有效性难以平衡。
The study shows that the order quantity under loss aversion is affected by the loss aversion coefficient, and the shortage cost. and depends on trade-off between expected stock-out loss and expected overstocking loss. 研究结果表明期权订货量与损失规避系数、缺货损失等参数密切相关,订货量的多少取决于期望缺货损失和期望剩余损失之间的权衡。
Traditionally, COD is measured with chemical methods, which is accurate with the shortage of poor timeliness and high cost, and the testing process is usually carried on with the production of other pollutants. 传统的COD测量是采用化学方法,虽然准确,但时效性很差,成本高,测试过程还会造成二次污染。
Based on classic newsboy model, by including such factors as shortage cost, residual and stock out loss, the paper builds up the single-product supply chain consisting of one supplier and one retailer. 接下来以经典报童模型为基础,加入残值、缺货成本因素,滞销成本等因素。根据易逝品的特点,建立了单个供应商和单个零售商之间的供应链回购契约模型。
At present, liver transplantation has become a important way for the end-stage liver disease, however, some factors such as donor shortage, immune rejection and high treatment cost hinder its clinical application. 目前,肝移植虽已成为治疗终末期肝病的重要手段,但供体短缺、手术损伤、免疫排斥以及费用高昂等问题构成了肝移植技术发展的主要障碍。
We use the service level to replace the shortage cost, which avoid the deviation caused by rough calculation, and then we build an optimal model with constraint. 在模型的建立过程中用服务水平限制条件代替了缺货成本,避免了由于估算缺货成本导致的误差,从而建立了有约束条件的总成本优化模型。
The objective function is total cost of operating a wind farm, including power shortage cost, wind turbine operations and maintenance cost, and wind turbine start-up cost. 此次研究的目标函数是风电厂的运营总成本,其中包括电力短缺成本、风机运维成本和风机启动成本。
Numerical studies have shown that in most cases, especially in the shortage cost is not very high, all three heuristics can obtain the good approximate value. 数值研究表明,在多数情况下,尤其是在缺货成本相对于持有成本不是很高的情况,三种启发式算法都可以得到良好地近似值。
The effects of the shortage cost, rework cost and the percentage of the defective items on the optimal production policy are illustrated by numerical examples. 最后结合算例验证了所提出的模型,并分析了缺货费用、重修费用和缺陷产品比例对最优生产策略的影响。
The effects of controllable lead time on component commonality safety stock, shortage rate and total cost are discussed through the data analysis. 通过数据分析讨论提前期的压缩对于通用件安全库存、缺货率和总成本的影响。
However, large scale utilization of the Pt-based catalyst is limited due to the carbon monoxide ( CO) poisoning problem, the shortage of Pt resource and high cost. 其中阳极的铂基金属催化剂容易被一氧化碳(CO)分子所毒化,而铂等贵金属资源匮乏,价格昂贵,又限制了其大量应用。
With the extensive application of polyurethane, the demand of raw materials become more and more, and the resource is shortage, the cost is getting higher and higher. 随着聚氨酯的广泛应用,其原料的需求也大幅增长,资源紧张且成本越来越高。
Next, combined the Vehicle Scheduling Problem with vehicle recruiting cost and the shortage cost are studied, and also justified it by a numerical example. 其次将车辆路径问题结合了的车辆招募成本和缺货成本进行研究,并用算例进行了模型验证。
After study the high-tech enterprise and the product, we find that the product life cycle of the high-tech enterprise is short; it is difficult to forecast demand; the product shortage cost is high. 通过对我国高新技术产业和高新技术企业产品的研究,我们发现高新技术企业产品的生命周期短、需求难以预测、产生缺货时缺货成本很高。